HISTORY Shortly after Cameron ceased becoming a High School in June 1971, due to federal desegregation mandates in place at the time, the tightly-knit faculty of Cameron decided to establish a tradition of meeting together once a year in Nashville for the purpose of fellowship. This tradition was spearheaded by former Cameron staff members Jessie Owen and Millicent Rhodes. Initially, the fellowship began only with faculty members but over the years expanded to include Cameron students as well. For over 30 years, on the 2nd Friday in June, this practice has continued and the faculty and students of Cameron High though fewer in numbers faithfully strive to meet annually.
This year, the CHS faculty luncheon was held on June 9th 2006 at Harper's Restaurant in Nashville (Click here to see the faculty list). I have included below a copy of the program and several photos of the event taken by William "Bro" Corley '64.
CAMERONITES, after viewing this page, please go to our Student Testimonials message board and Tell Us how a Cameron teacher has affected YOUR life. We would like to read these testimonials at the 2007 Faculty Luncheon. Annual Fellowship Luncheon Program

Photos of 2006 Cameron High Faculty Luncheon June 9th, 2006 